The HTS assay. (A) Stepwise diagram of the miniaturized CR assay for HTS. (B) Prototypical 384-well plate resulting from the miniaturized CR assay. Retracted clots in the negative control column (23), which were treated with thrombin (0.2 U/mL) but no test compounds, appear as small, dense squares, whereas the wells in the positive control column (24), which did not receive thrombin, appear uniformly dark. The vast majority of the compounds tested in the plate do not inhibit CR, but there are 3 wells that show full inhibition of CR and were considered a hit (yellow arrows) and 1 that shows incomplete inhibition (red arrow), that is, not considered a hit. (C) Results of testing 60 compounds on 3 different dates using 3 different platelet preparations. The results were averaged and displayed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). CRI, CR inhibition; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide. Figure panel A created with