Ongoing somatic hypermutation in PCNSL and the relationship between clonotypes and GC signature subclusters. (A) Heat map showing copy number variation profiles of each sample split into PBL and non-PBL subclusters. Amplification of chromosomal regions is colored in red, whereas deletion of chromosomal regions is shown in blue. (B) Bar chart showing the abundance of clonotypes according to the expansion status of each patient. The sample of PCNSL_10 experienced ongoing somatic hypermutation. (C) Sanky diagram showing the relationship between the clonotypes based on the VDJC gene (left), clonotypes based on the CDR3 sequence (middle), and GC signature subclusters (right) in PCNSL_10. GC, germinal center; PBL, plasmablast; DZ, dark zone; INT, intermediate zone; LZ, light zone; PreM, precursor memory B-cell.