Figure 3.
Identification of 2 B-PLL epitypes with signatures related to normal B-cell differentiation. (A) PCA analysis showing PC1 and PC2 with B-PLL and normal B-cell samples. On its side, the boxplots display differences between B-PLL epitypes and normal B cells. (B) Heat map of the differentially methylated CpGs (n = 5465) between B-PLL epitypes. (C) Heat map of the differentially methylated CpGs between B-PLL epitypes related to methylation patterns of NBCs and MBCs (n = 379, of which 249 are hypermethylated and 130 hypomethylated in epitype 1). (D) Percentage of IGHV gene identity B-PLL epitypes. (E) Magnitude of the epiCMIT scores between B-PLL epitypes.