The role of YAP in ITP. In a healthy setting (A), YAP1 expression is upregulated through binding of GATA1 to its promoter in MKs. Phosphorylated YAP1, through its interaction with MYH9, promotes MK-cytoskeletal activation, which enables thrombopoiesis. In ITP (B), GATA1 and YAP1 expression is decreased, which impairs the interaction between phosphorylated YAP1 and MYH9, resulting in MK-cytoskeletal defects with subsequent development of thrombocytopenia. Figure created with

The role of YAP in ITP. In a healthy setting (A), YAP1 expression is upregulated through binding of GATA1 to its promoter in MKs. Phosphorylated YAP1, through its interaction with MYH9, promotes MK-cytoskeletal activation, which enables thrombopoiesis. In ITP (B), GATA1 and YAP1 expression is decreased, which impairs the interaction between phosphorylated YAP1 and MYH9, resulting in MK-cytoskeletal defects with subsequent development of thrombocytopenia. Figure created with

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