Figure 2.
WM platelets respond appropriately to standard agonists. (A-B) OgFg binding and (C-D) P-selectin exposure in WB and PRP samples, respectively, from HDs (n = 7-14, blue), patients with WM not on therapy (n = 8-13, red), or receiving BTKis (n = 0-5, green). Representative histograms from a HD showing (A) OgFg- or (C) P-selectin–positive events. Data (mean ± standard deviation [SD]) for (B) OgFg binding or (D) P-selectin exposure (%) in platelets treated with 0.5, 5 or 30 μg/mL crosslinked CRP-XL, 10 μM TRAP-6, or 5 μM ADP. P values were determined by Mann-Whitney t test with multiple comparisons.