Figure 2.
CNS response. (A) Swimmers plot of treatment, response, and relapse time for 10 patients with CNSL. Status and events are coded in the legend. Response times on the plot correspond to the time when the best response was achieved. (B). Waterfall plot showing the best overall CNS response as measured by change in lesion size (sum of product diameters) from baseline. All 10 patients exhibited a response. The mean best response was a decrease in lesion size by 94.8% (95% CI, −89.4 to −100.1). Overall, there were 8 CRs and 2 PRs.

CNS response. (A) Swimmers plot of treatment, response, and relapse time for 10 patients with CNSL. Status and events are coded in the legend. Response times on the plot correspond to the time when the best response was achieved. (B). Waterfall plot showing the best overall CNS response as measured by change in lesion size (sum of product diameters) from baseline. All 10 patients exhibited a response. The mean best response was a decrease in lesion size by 94.8% (95% CI, −89.4 to −100.1). Overall, there were 8 CRs and 2 PRs.

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