Figure 4.
Large volume expansion of the lungs with Jacobian of >1.98 distinguish controls or transient impairment from early BOS, and homogeneity of lung expansion with JacobianSD of ≤0.62 distinguish BOS from non-BOS. CIT in panel A partitions patients with their individual designations. The total number of individuals per node is displayed, and terminal nodes display the proportion of each disease state in that node (eg, patients with transient impairment [n = 8] are filtered from node 1 to node 5, and the 8 patients with transient impairment constitute 36% of 22 patients in node 5). CIT in panel B partitions a composite group of any form of BOS (NIH-BOS, early BOS, and mixed BOS) from a composite group of individuals with transient impairment and controls. B, NIH-BOS; EB, early BOS; MB, mixed BOS; T, transient impairment; C, control.

Large volume expansion of the lungs with Jacobian of >1.98 distinguish controls or transient impairment from early BOS, and homogeneity of lung expansion with JacobianSD of ≤0.62 distinguish BOS from non-BOS. CIT in panel A partitions patients with their individual designations. The total number of individuals per node is displayed, and terminal nodes display the proportion of each disease state in that node (eg, patients with transient impairment [n = 8] are filtered from node 1 to node 5, and the 8 patients with transient impairment constitute 36% of 22 patients in node 5). CIT in panel B partitions a composite group of any form of BOS (NIH-BOS, early BOS, and mixed BOS) from a composite group of individuals with transient impairment and controls. B, NIH-BOS; EB, early BOS; MB, mixed BOS; T, transient impairment; C, control.

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