FigureĀ 1.
Representative coronal cuts of CT chest scans with strain metrics of individuals with NIH-BOS, early BOS, mixed BOS, transient impairment, and nonpulmonary cGVHD with normal lungs (control). Jacobian mean of 1 indicates no lung expansion and >1 indicates increasing lung expansion. ADI mean of 0 indicates no directional asymmetry of strain and >0 indicates increasing directional asymmetry of strain. The corresponding color range is displayed for illustration.

Representative coronal cuts of CT chest scans with strain metrics of individuals with NIH-BOS, early BOS, mixed BOS, transient impairment, and nonpulmonary cGVHD with normal lungs (control). Jacobian mean of 1 indicates no lung expansion and >1 indicates increasing lung expansion. ADI mean of 0 indicates no directional asymmetry of strain and >0 indicates increasing directional asymmetry of strain. The corresponding color range is displayed for illustration.

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