Figure 2.
Propensity score–adjusted Fine-Gray Kaplan-Meier plots of event-free survival stratified for 3 AUC busulfan exposure groups (<70, 70-90, and >90 mg × h/L). Patients with (A) SCID, HLH-related, and neutrophil disorders, (B) SCID, (C) HLH-related, and (D) neutrophil disorders.

Propensity score–adjusted Fine-Gray Kaplan-Meier plots of event-free survival stratified for 3 AUC busulfan exposure groups (<70, 70-90, and >90 mg × h/L). Patients with (A) SCID, HLH-related, and neutrophil disorders, (B) SCID, (C) HLH-related, and (D) neutrophil disorders.

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