Figure 5.
Cumulative attrition rates and treatments used in successive LOTs in patients with lenalidomide-refractory RRMM and 1 prior LOT. See Table 2 for treatment regimens included in each category. ∗No treatment includes patients who received an active antimyeloma treatment and had ≥1 follow-up assessment but were subsequently lost to follow-up. len ref, lenalidomide refractory.

Cumulative attrition rates and treatments used in successive LOTs in patients with lenalidomide-refractory RRMM and 1 prior LOT. See Table 2 for treatment regimens included in each category. ∗No treatment includes patients who received an active antimyeloma treatment and had ≥1 follow-up assessment but were subsequently lost to follow-up. len ref, lenalidomide refractory.

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