Myelitis following CD19 CAR T cells. (A) Longitudinally extensive T2 hyperintensity in the spinal cord of a 13-year-old presenting with bilateral leg weakness in the setting of CRS and ICANS (day 10 after CD19 CAR T-cell infusion). Arrows show areas of hyperintensity. (B) Increased expansion of the spinal cord T2 signal on day 21 after CAR T. The arrow shows increased expansion of the spinal cord. The figure has been adapted from Figure 1I,K in the article by Diorio et al that begins on page 1387.

Myelitis following CD19 CAR T cells. (A) Longitudinally extensive T2 hyperintensity in the spinal cord of a 13-year-old presenting with bilateral leg weakness in the setting of CRS and ICANS (day 10 after CD19 CAR T-cell infusion). Arrows show areas of hyperintensity. (B) Increased expansion of the spinal cord T2 signal on day 21 after CAR T. The arrow shows increased expansion of the spinal cord. The figure has been adapted from Figure 1I,K in the article by Diorio et al that begins on page 1387.

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