Figure 1.
ANXA5 expression is increased in mesenchymal cells of mice with MLL-AF9+ AML. (A) Volcano plot summarizing all differentially expressed genes in Col2.3kb-GFP+ osteoblastic cells (mesenchymal cells) from the BM of mice with MLL-AF9+ AML vs CML. Significantly upregulated and downregulated genes are shown in red vs blue, respectively. Anxa5 is labeled. The retroviral transduction/transplantation models of BCR-ABL1+ CML and MLL-AF9+ AML (15, 16) were used. (B-C) Gene ontology analysis of significantly upregulated (B; P value between .0004 and .0006) or downregulated (C; P value between .002 and .006) genes in Col2.3kb-GFP+ osteoblastic cells (mesenchymal cells) from the BM of mice with AML vs CML as in panel A. The bar graph summarizes nonredundant terms with P values provided by the color coding. Mice in the retroviral transduction/transplantation model of CML were euthanized on day 19 and the mice in the AML model on day 45 after transplantation. On day 15, the percentage of GFP+ (BCR-ABL1+) CD11b+ cells in peripheral blood in CML was ∼32%. On day 39, the percentage of GFP+ (MLL-AF9+) Gr1+ cells in peripheral blood in AML was ∼50%.

ANXA5 expression is increased in mesenchymal cells of mice with MLL-AF9+ AML. (A) Volcano plot summarizing all differentially expressed genes in Col2.3kb-GFP+ osteoblastic cells (mesenchymal cells) from the BM of mice with MLL-AF9+ AML vs CML. Significantly upregulated and downregulated genes are shown in red vs blue, respectively. Anxa5 is labeled. The retroviral transduction/transplantation models of BCR-ABL1+ CML and MLL-AF9+ AML (15, 16) were used. (B-C) Gene ontology analysis of significantly upregulated (B; P value between .0004 and .0006) or downregulated (C; P value between .002 and .006) genes in Col2.3kb-GFP+ osteoblastic cells (mesenchymal cells) from the BM of mice with AML vs CML as in panel A. The bar graph summarizes nonredundant terms with P values provided by the color coding. Mice in the retroviral transduction/transplantation model of CML were euthanized on day 19 and the mice in the AML model on day 45 after transplantation. On day 15, the percentage of GFP+ (BCR-ABL1+) CD11b+ cells in peripheral blood in CML was ∼32%. On day 39, the percentage of GFP+ (MLL-AF9+) Gr1+ cells in peripheral blood in AML was ∼50%.

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