Figure 1.
Patient disposition. ∗Reasons for exclusion are listed in supplemental Table 5. †Five patients who were randomized to the once-weekly KRd56 group and did not receive a dose of 56 mg/m2 were included in the twice-weekly KRd27 group for safety analysis. ‡The primary reason for discontinuing carfilzomib/dexamethasone included adverse event, death, and patient request. §The primary reason for discontinuing lenalidomide included adverse event and patient request.

Patient disposition. ∗Reasons for exclusion are listed in supplemental Table 5. †Five patients who were randomized to the once-weekly KRd56 group and did not receive a dose of 56 mg/m2 were included in the twice-weekly KRd27 group for safety analysis. ‡The primary reason for discontinuing carfilzomib/dexamethasone included adverse event, death, and patient request. §The primary reason for discontinuing lenalidomide included adverse event and patient request.

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