FigureĀ 3.
Different origins of CNS HL lesions. (A) Tumor originating from bone (vertebral body of T12, L1, and L2). (B) Unclear tumor origin but very likely bone, with circumferential involvement and an associated soft tissue component. (C) Paravertebral tumor mass of the upper thoracic spine infiltrating through the right neuroforamen, demonstrated by the red arrow, likely originating from soft tissue.

Different origins of CNS HL lesions. (A) Tumor originating from bone (vertebral body of T12, L1, and L2). (B) Unclear tumor origin but very likely bone, with circumferential involvement and an associated soft tissue component. (C) Paravertebral tumor mass of the upper thoracic spine infiltrating through the right neuroforamen, demonstrated by the red arrow, likely originating from soft tissue.

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