FigureĀ 2.
Locations of HL CNS involvement. (A) Tumor in the dorsal part of the thoracic spinal canal and (B) ventral part of the lumbar spine (T2-weighted MRI sequences of the same patient, red arrow indicating tumor location), (C) tumor originating from the skull (bone window with subtle osteolysis, and (D) PET-fusion demonstrating the same lesion as in panel C extending into orbit and middle cranial fossa.

Locations of HL CNS involvement. (A) Tumor in the dorsal part of the thoracic spinal canal and (B) ventral part of the lumbar spine (T2-weighted MRI sequences of the same patient, red arrow indicating tumor location), (C) tumor originating from the skull (bone window with subtle osteolysis, and (D) PET-fusion demonstrating the same lesion as in panel C extending into orbit and middle cranial fossa.

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