Figure 3.
TCR-α chain immune repertoire sequencing of sorted CD70+ and CD70– T cells from 5 patients with aGVHD. (A) Samplewise number of unique clonotypes identified (top) and percentage of the total repertoire occupied by TCR sequence groupings by index (bottom). TCR sequences were ranked by abundance, with index 1 being the most abundant. (B) Repertoire overlap assessed by the Morisita index. (C) Sample wise tracking of the top 5 clonotypes in each CD70+ sample. Shadings indicate shared CDR3 amino acid sequence between samples. (D) Profile of antigen specificity frequencies from all clonotypes that mapped to known public CDR3 amino acid sequences in the variable diversity joining (VDJ) database. VDJDB, VDJ database.

TCR-α chain immune repertoire sequencing of sorted CD70+ and CD70 T cells from 5 patients with aGVHD. (A) Samplewise number of unique clonotypes identified (top) and percentage of the total repertoire occupied by TCR sequence groupings by index (bottom). TCR sequences were ranked by abundance, with index 1 being the most abundant. (B) Repertoire overlap assessed by the Morisita index. (C) Sample wise tracking of the top 5 clonotypes in each CD70+ sample. Shadings indicate shared CDR3 amino acid sequence between samples. (D) Profile of antigen specificity frequencies from all clonotypes that mapped to known public CDR3 amino acid sequences in the variable diversity joining (VDJ) database. VDJDB, VDJ database.

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