Figure 2.
Chromatin accessibility and transcriptional profile of CD70+ T cells in GVHD. (A) Profile of differentially accessible chromatin (DAC) loci between sorted CD70+ and CD70– T cells from the blood of patients with aGVHD (n = 7). DACs were ranked by CD70+ vs CD70– fold change, and gene labels represent the loci-associated gene annotations for the top 30 CD70+ open and CD70+ closed sites. (B) Pairwise comparisons of chromatin accessibility at peak regions. The x-axes indicate Log2 fold change, and the y-axes indicate unadjusted –Log10P value of all peaks. Colored points indicate DAC sites, with inaccessible sites as blue and accessible sites as red. (C) TF motif scores are shown in the heat map plot, based on the motifs of TFs enriched within the differentially accessible peaks in each sample. (D) Profile of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between CD70+ and CD70– T cells from blood of patients with aGVHD (n = 4) ranked by fold change. (E) Pairwise comparison of gene expression in CD70+ vs CD70– cells showing –Log2P value vs Log2 fold change of all genes. Colored points indicate DEGs that are downregulated (blue) and upregulated in CD70+ (red).

Chromatin accessibility and transcriptional profile of CD70+ T cells in GVHD. (A) Profile of differentially accessible chromatin (DAC) loci between sorted CD70+ and CD70 T cells from the blood of patients with aGVHD (n = 7). DACs were ranked by CD70+ vs CD70 fold change, and gene labels represent the loci-associated gene annotations for the top 30 CD70+ open and CD70+ closed sites. (B) Pairwise comparisons of chromatin accessibility at peak regions. The x-axes indicate Log2 fold change, and the y-axes indicate unadjusted –Log10P value of all peaks. Colored points indicate DAC sites, with inaccessible sites as blue and accessible sites as red. (C) TF motif scores are shown in the heat map plot, based on the motifs of TFs enriched within the differentially accessible peaks in each sample. (D) Profile of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between CD70+ and CD70 T cells from blood of patients with aGVHD (n = 4) ranked by fold change. (E) Pairwise comparison of gene expression in CD70+ vs CD70 cells showing –Log2P value vs Log2 fold change of all genes. Colored points indicate DEGs that are downregulated (blue) and upregulated in CD70+ (red).

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