FigureĀ 5.
Subgroup analysis of OS for HMA/VEN vs intensive chemotherapy. Forest plot shows a comparison of OS for patients treated with HMA/VEN vs intensive induction chemotherapy (IC) by molecular subgroups. Cox proportional hazards models were adjusted for treatment (IC vs HMA/VEN) and age category (60-75 years and >75 years), except for the subgroups defined by age category, which are based on unadjusted Cox proportional hazards models.

Subgroup analysis of OS for HMA/VEN vs intensive chemotherapy. Forest plot shows a comparison of OS for patients treated with HMA/VEN vs intensive induction chemotherapy (IC) by molecular subgroups. Cox proportional hazards models were adjusted for treatment (IC vs HMA/VEN) and age category (60-75 years and >75 years), except for the subgroups defined by age category, which are based on unadjusted Cox proportional hazards models.

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