FigureĀ 1.
Molecular and cytogenetic profile and response for patients with NPM1-mutant AML treated with intensive chemotherapy and HMA/VEN. An oncoprint shows the molecular and cytogenetic profile and response for patients with NPM1-mutant AML treated with intensive induction chemotherapy and HMA/VEN. Only mutations present in at least 2% of the patient cohort and evaluated in at least 66% of patients were included.

Molecular and cytogenetic profile and response for patients with NPM1-mutant AML treated with intensive chemotherapy and HMA/VEN. An oncoprint shows the molecular and cytogenetic profile and response for patients with NPM1-mutant AML treated with intensive induction chemotherapy and HMA/VEN. Only mutations present in at least 2% of the patient cohort and evaluated in at least 66% of patients were included.

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