Figure 1.
Kaplan-Meier curves of PFS and OS. (A-D) PFS in patients with iNHL (A), FL (B), and MZL (C) and OS in patients with iNHL (D) (full analysis set). At-risk patient counts were calculated as at the start of the time point. Patients evaluated by Owen criteria may include investigator assessments in the absence of independent central review. For DoR, only patients with responses in the full analysis set were included. Copa, copanlisib; pbo, placebo.

Kaplan-Meier curves of PFS and OS. (A-D) PFS in patients with iNHL (A), FL (B), and MZL (C) and OS in patients with iNHL (D) (full analysis set). At-risk patient counts were calculated as at the start of the time point. Patients evaluated by Owen criteria may include investigator assessments in the absence of independent central review. For DoR, only patients with responses in the full analysis set were included. Copa, copanlisib; pbo, placebo.

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