FigureĀ 5.
Proposed mechanism by which LMWH promotes HBEGF-AKT signaling and prevents ensuing placental thromboinflammation, proliferation, and differentiation. On 1 hand, LMWH prevents platelet activation. On the other, LMWH activates HBEGF signaling, thereby activating AKT signaling and preventing inflammasome activation. Cl., cleaved.

Proposed mechanism by which LMWH promotes HBEGF-AKT signaling and prevents ensuing placental thromboinflammation, proliferation, and differentiation. On 1 hand, LMWH prevents platelet activation. On the other, LMWH activates HBEGF signaling, thereby activating AKT signaling and preventing inflammasome activation. Cl., cleaved.

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