Figure 4.
LMWH prevents inflammasome activation in human PE placental explants. (A-B) Human explants from term placentas obtained from patients with PE exposed to LMWH ex vivo (PE+LMWH) and healthy controls (Cs; non-PE) showed an inhibition of NLRP3, cleaved IL-1β and cleaved caspase-1 and an increase in HBEGF-AKT signaling (representative immunoblots [A]; bar graphs summarizing results [B]). Control explants, C, were obtained from healthy term placenta and exposed to PBS. Data shown represent mean ± SEM from 3 different patients. ∗P < .05, ns, ANOVA, Šídák multiple comparisons test.

LMWH prevents inflammasome activation in human PE placental explants. (A-B) Human explants from term placentas obtained from patients with PE exposed to LMWH ex vivo (PE+LMWH) and healthy controls (Cs; non-PE) showed an inhibition of NLRP3, cleaved IL-1β and cleaved caspase-1 and an increase in HBEGF-AKT signaling (representative immunoblots [A]; bar graphs summarizing results [B]). Control explants, C, were obtained from healthy term placenta and exposed to PBS. Data shown represent mean ± SEM from 3 different patients. ∗P < .05, ns, ANOVA, Šídák multiple comparisons test.

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