Figure 2.
Benefits of external mentorship pilot program. A. Stacked bar graphs represent mentee response to 5-point Likert scale type items in the 1-year survey (n = 32) to questions asking about the impact of program on academic productivity, networking, career development, and professional/personal identity. One item included on this chart was asked in the 6-month postprogram survey (n = 24). (B) Pie chart shows mentee response to 1-year survey (n = 32) question asking about scholarly project and status of deliverable product. (C) List of notable academic accomplishments earned by mentees through their work with their assigned mentor in this program. (D) Stacked bar graphs represent mentor response to 5-point Likert scale type items in 1-year survey (n = 27) assessing their perception of how helpful they were in finding networking opportunities and assisting with career development of mentees, as well as their overall experience in the program.

Benefits of external mentorship pilot program. A. Stacked bar graphs represent mentee response to 5-point Likert scale type items in the 1-year survey (n = 32) to questions asking about the impact of program on academic productivity, networking, career development, and professional/personal identity. One item included on this chart was asked in the 6-month postprogram survey (n = 24). (B) Pie chart shows mentee response to 1-year survey (n = 32) question asking about scholarly project and status of deliverable product. (C) List of notable academic accomplishments earned by mentees through their work with their assigned mentor in this program. (D) Stacked bar graphs represent mentor response to 5-point Likert scale type items in 1-year survey (n = 27) assessing their perception of how helpful they were in finding networking opportunities and assisting with career development of mentees, as well as their overall experience in the program.

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