Figure 1.
Mentee-mentor pairing. (A) Thirty-five mentees were paired with 34 mentors (1 mentor with 2 mentees). Each mentee was paired with a mentor outside of their current institution. Each blue triangle represents a mentee and is placed on the map according to the location of each mentee’s training institution at the time of the program. Each red circle represents a mentor and is placed on the map according to their place of employment at the time of the program. Each dotted black line connects a blue triangle with a red circle, representing the assigned mentee-mentor pairing. (B) Likert scale type items from the mentee 1-year survey (n = 32) and mentor 1-year survey (n = 27) that specifically assessed perception of pairing and frequency of communication were plotted on a stacked bar graph. (C) Frequency of meetings as reported by both mentees and mentors in the 1-year surveys are graphed. (D) Mentee and mentor responses from the 1-year survey question that assessed whether they had discussed continuing their mentoring relationship forward after the end of the program are graphed. (E) In the postprogram survey (n = 24) distributed 6 months after the completion of program, mentees were asked whether they had been in touch with their mentor at least once since the end of the program; their responses are displayed in the pie chart. Panel A was created with

Mentee-mentor pairing. (A) Thirty-five mentees were paired with 34 mentors (1 mentor with 2 mentees). Each mentee was paired with a mentor outside of their current institution. Each blue triangle represents a mentee and is placed on the map according to the location of each mentee’s training institution at the time of the program. Each red circle represents a mentor and is placed on the map according to their place of employment at the time of the program. Each dotted black line connects a blue triangle with a red circle, representing the assigned mentee-mentor pairing. (B) Likert scale type items from the mentee 1-year survey (n = 32) and mentor 1-year survey (n = 27) that specifically assessed perception of pairing and frequency of communication were plotted on a stacked bar graph. (C) Frequency of meetings as reported by both mentees and mentors in the 1-year surveys are graphed. (D) Mentee and mentor responses from the 1-year survey question that assessed whether they had discussed continuing their mentoring relationship forward after the end of the program are graphed. (E) In the postprogram survey (n = 24) distributed 6 months after the completion of program, mentees were asked whether they had been in touch with their mentor at least once since the end of the program; their responses are displayed in the pie chart. Panel A was created with

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