Figure 1.
ABRs by treatment regimen pooled from A-LONG/ASPIRE and B-LONG/B-YOND. (A) All participants aged ≥50 years in A-LONG/ASPIRE. (B) Participants with target joints at baseline aged ≥50 years in A-LONG/ASPIRE. (C) All participants aged ≥50 years in B-LONG/B-YOND. (D) Participants with target joints at baseline aged ≥50 years in B-LONG/B-YOND. ∗Participants could change treatment regimens at any time during ASPIRE/B-YOND and may appear in ≥1 group; they are considered in each treatment regimen they participated in for the duration of time on that regimen; n is the number of participants in the specific treatment regimen and with an efficacy period. †One participant was missing prestudy ABR for the B-LONG study. ‡Among 3 participants on modified prophylaxis during the study, the median overall ABR was 4.61 (IQR, 0.64-5.12); median joint ABR was 2.84 (IQR, 0.64-3.07; data not shown in graph). §Among 3 participants receiving OD treatment during the study (data not shown in graph), median overall ABR was 17.40 (IQR, 9.81-81.54); median joint ABR was 13.42 (IQR, 5.89-72.86). ||Among 3 participants with target joints at baseline on modified prophylaxis during the study (data not shown in graph), median overall ABR was 4.61 (IQR, 0.64-5.12); median target joint ABR was 2.84 (IQR, 0.64-3.07). ¶Among 2 participants with target joints at baseline receiving OD treatment during the study (data not shown in graph), median overall ABR was 49.47 (IQR, 17.40-81.54); median target joint ABR was 43.14 (IQR, 13.42-72.86). #Among 4 participants on modified prophylaxis during the study (data not shown in graph), median overall ABR was 7.07 (IQR, 5.36-8.41); median joint ABR was 3.99 (IQR, 1.24-6.94). ∗∗Among 3 participants with target joints at baseline on modified prophylaxis during the study (data not shown in graph), median overall ABR was 6.44 (IQR, 4.28-7.70); median target joint ABR was 1.56 (IQR, 0.92-6.41). IP, individualized prophylaxis; PPX, prophylaxis; WP, weekly prophylaxis.

ABRs by treatment regimen pooled from A-LONG/ASPIRE and B-LONG/B-YOND. (A) All participants aged ≥50 years in A-LONG/ASPIRE. (B) Participants with target joints at baseline aged ≥50 years in A-LONG/ASPIRE. (C) All participants aged ≥50 years in B-LONG/B-YOND. (D) Participants with target joints at baseline aged ≥50 years in B-LONG/B-YOND. ∗Participants could change treatment regimens at any time during ASPIRE/B-YOND and may appear in ≥1 group; they are considered in each treatment regimen they participated in for the duration of time on that regimen; n is the number of participants in the specific treatment regimen and with an efficacy period. One participant was missing prestudy ABR for the B-LONG study. Among 3 participants on modified prophylaxis during the study, the median overall ABR was 4.61 (IQR, 0.64-5.12); median joint ABR was 2.84 (IQR, 0.64-3.07; data not shown in graph). §Among 3 participants receiving OD treatment during the study (data not shown in graph), median overall ABR was 17.40 (IQR, 9.81-81.54); median joint ABR was 13.42 (IQR, 5.89-72.86). ||Among 3 participants with target joints at baseline on modified prophylaxis during the study (data not shown in graph), median overall ABR was 4.61 (IQR, 0.64-5.12); median target joint ABR was 2.84 (IQR, 0.64-3.07). Among 2 participants with target joints at baseline receiving OD treatment during the study (data not shown in graph), median overall ABR was 49.47 (IQR, 17.40-81.54); median target joint ABR was 43.14 (IQR, 13.42-72.86). #Among 4 participants on modified prophylaxis during the study (data not shown in graph), median overall ABR was 7.07 (IQR, 5.36-8.41); median joint ABR was 3.99 (IQR, 1.24-6.94). ∗∗Among 3 participants with target joints at baseline on modified prophylaxis during the study (data not shown in graph), median overall ABR was 6.44 (IQR, 4.28-7.70); median target joint ABR was 1.56 (IQR, 0.92-6.41). IP, individualized prophylaxis; PPX, prophylaxis; WP, weekly prophylaxis.

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