Figure 1.
Hemodynamic stress, tissue hypoxia, and anemia in adult participants with and without aneurysms. We used MRIs from all time points (N = 129 MRIs with CBF and OEF). Adults with aneurysms exhibited higher CBF (A), higher OEF (B), and lower Hb (C) than patients without aneurysms. Black lines denote group median. Raw P values from univariate mixed-effect regression are shown.

Hemodynamic stress, tissue hypoxia, and anemia in adult participants with and without aneurysms. We used MRIs from all time points (N = 129 MRIs with CBF and OEF). Adults with aneurysms exhibited higher CBF (A), higher OEF (B), and lower Hb (C) than patients without aneurysms. Black lines denote group median. Raw P values from univariate mixed-effect regression are shown.

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