Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals quisinostat and CPI203 maintain HSCs upon LV transduction in CD34+. (A) Schematic experimental design. (B) Mock-up schematic of cell-type projection. (C) Uniform manifold approximation and projection for dimension reduction (UMAP) plots of unstimulated CD34+ cells and integrated UMAP for all conditions. (D) UMAP displaying HSCs for each condition. (E) The bar plot represents population distribution. (F) Violin plots displaying the expression levels of selected HSC surface marker genes in the indicated conditions. (G) Gene set enrichment analysis and molecular processes of various conditions interrogated by scRNA-seq. LMPP, lymphoid multipotent progenitor; MEP, megakaryocyte-Eryth progenitor; ML, myeloid-lymphoid progenitor; Mono, monocyte.

Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals quisinostat and CPI203 maintain HSCs upon LV transduction in CD34+. (A) Schematic experimental design. (B) Mock-up schematic of cell-type projection. (C) Uniform manifold approximation and projection for dimension reduction (UMAP) plots of unstimulated CD34+ cells and integrated UMAP for all conditions. (D) UMAP displaying HSCs for each condition. (E) The bar plot represents population distribution. (F) Violin plots displaying the expression levels of selected HSC surface marker genes in the indicated conditions. (G) Gene set enrichment analysis and molecular processes of various conditions interrogated by scRNA-seq. LMPP, lymphoid multipotent progenitor; MEP, megakaryocyte-Eryth progenitor; ML, myeloid-lymphoid progenitor; Mono, monocyte.

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