Potential mechanisms by which FOXO1 regulates iron metabolism via its interaction with the BMP/SMAD pathway. Cytosolic FOXO1 is required for optimal SMAD phosphorylation. Does it facilitate BMP receptor activation or facilitate SMAD phosphorylation (denoted by P [phosphate]) by activated BMP receptors? When serum iron levels are high (eg, when animals are fed a high fat diet), HFE binds to the BMP receptor complex. This interaction requires the presence of transferrin receptor bound to iron-bound transferrin (Tf). FOXO1 interacts with pSMAD, and the 2 proteins bind in proximity to one another on the hepcidin promoter. This complex activates hepcidin (Hamp1) transcription; given the importance of FOXO1 and SMAD in other cellular programs, they may coregulate other transcriptional targets regulating metabolism, playing a systemic role in integration of iron metabolism with other metabolic pathways. This figure was created with Biorender.com.

Potential mechanisms by which FOXO1 regulates iron metabolism via its interaction with the BMP/SMAD pathway. Cytosolic FOXO1 is required for optimal SMAD phosphorylation. Does it facilitate BMP receptor activation or facilitate SMAD phosphorylation (denoted by P [phosphate]) by activated BMP receptors? When serum iron levels are high (eg, when animals are fed a high fat diet), HFE binds to the BMP receptor complex. This interaction requires the presence of transferrin receptor bound to iron-bound transferrin (Tf). FOXO1 interacts with pSMAD, and the 2 proteins bind in proximity to one another on the hepcidin promoter. This complex activates hepcidin (Hamp1) transcription; given the importance of FOXO1 and SMAD in other cellular programs, they may coregulate other transcriptional targets regulating metabolism, playing a systemic role in integration of iron metabolism with other metabolic pathways. This figure was created with Biorender.com.

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