Model of IgM gammopathies composed of B cell–like and plasma cell–like cells and the prevalence of common mutations denoted in black (key at bottom). Clusters 1 to 3 are IgM gammopathy subtypes described by Mondello et al.4 Global DNA methylation (DNAm) levels are inferred from previous studies,5,9 and B cell–intrinsic inflammation and proliferation correlated with DNA methylation are reported by Chohan et al.

Model of IgM gammopathies composed of B cell–like and plasma cell–like cells and the prevalence of common mutations denoted in black (key at bottom). Clusters 1 to 3 are IgM gammopathy subtypes described by Mondello et al.4 Global DNA methylation (DNAm) levels are inferred from previous studies,5,9 and B cell–intrinsic inflammation and proliferation correlated with DNA methylation are reported by Chohan et al.

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