FigureĀ 1.
Chemical and crystal structures of JNJ-75276617. (A) Chemical structure of JNJ-75276617. (B) Crystal structure of menin bound to JNJ-75276617 (Protein Data Bank Identifier [PDB ID]: in deposition). JNJ-75276617 is shown as ball and sticks, and selected side chains of menin are shown as sticks. Dotted lines represent key hydrogen-bonding interactions between the protein and the ligand, and ligand-binding pocket is depicted as gray surface. Menin residue numbering is according to transcript variant: NM_000244.

Chemical and crystal structures of JNJ-75276617. (A) Chemical structure of JNJ-75276617. (B) Crystal structure of menin bound to JNJ-75276617 (Protein Data Bank Identifier [PDB ID]: in deposition). JNJ-75276617 is shown as ball and sticks, and selected side chains of menin are shown as sticks. Dotted lines represent key hydrogen-bonding interactions between the protein and the ligand, and ligand-binding pocket is depicted as gray surface. Menin residue numbering is according to transcript variant: NM_000244.

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