By analyzing several complementary immune phenotyping data sets, Mazziotta et al develop an annotation that follows the differentiation trajectory of CD8+ T cells from naïve via early memory to terminally differentiated “senescence-like” cells. Using this annotation, the authors find associations with response to induction chemotherapy and overall survival in AML across multiple cohorts, including a reanalysis of the BeatAML2 cohort. scTCR-seq, single cell TCR sequencing.

By analyzing several complementary immune phenotyping data sets, Mazziotta et al develop an annotation that follows the differentiation trajectory of CD8+ T cells from naïve via early memory to terminally differentiated “senescence-like” cells. Using this annotation, the authors find associations with response to induction chemotherapy and overall survival in AML across multiple cohorts, including a reanalysis of the BeatAML2 cohort. scTCR-seq, single cell TCR sequencing.

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