Figure 1.
CAR T cells and BsAbs target lymphoma cells through distinct T-cell–mediated mechanisms of action. (A) Currently approved CAR T cells in B-cell lymphomas are generated from autologous T cells engineered to express an antigen receptor targeting CD19 on lymphoma cells, as well as a transmembrane spacer, a costimulatory domain, and an intracellular signaling domain, which together drive T-cell activation and ultimately lymphoma cell destruction. (B) Currently approved BsAb in B-cell lymphomas are off-the-shelf antibodies targeting CD3 on endogenous T cells and CD20 on lymphoma cells, bringing the 2 entities together to result in T-cell–mediated lymphoma cell death.

CAR T cells and BsAbs target lymphoma cells through distinct T-cell–mediated mechanisms of action. (A) Currently approved CAR T cells in B-cell lymphomas are generated from autologous T cells engineered to express an antigen receptor targeting CD19 on lymphoma cells, as well as a transmembrane spacer, a costimulatory domain, and an intracellular signaling domain, which together drive T-cell activation and ultimately lymphoma cell destruction. (B) Currently approved BsAb in B-cell lymphomas are off-the-shelf antibodies targeting CD3 on endogenous T cells and CD20 on lymphoma cells, bringing the 2 entities together to result in T-cell–mediated lymphoma cell death.

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