Genes from the LSC-17 score and AP-1/TNF-α signature belong to different clusters of coregulated genes in patients with AML. (A) Correlation plot showing expression of genes identified in this study and selected from Ng et al24 and Stavropoulou et al37 across samples from the TCGA cohort (n = 173). Color and size represent the direction and the magnitude of the correlation, respectively. Only correlations with P < .05 are shown. Two gene expression correlation clusters are underlined and conserved across cohorts (see also supplemental Figure 4). One cluster encompasses genes related to cell adhesion or migration (ITGA6, ZEB1, and JAM3) and genes from the LSC-17 score (cluster I). The second cluster contains number of genes upregulated in HSPCs isolated from JAM3–deficient leukemic mice (cluster II). (B) Heat map showing unsupervised patient sample clustering according to z score of genes belonging to the LSC-17 signature and DEGs from this study (supplemental Table 4) across samples from assembly of TCGA, OHSU, and Leucegene cohorts representing 871 AML samples at diagnosis. Four groups of samples can be visualized expressing respectively high or low levels of LSC-17 genes and high or low levels of DEGs identified in this study (AP-1/TNF-A1 signature). Groups of samples are underlined by red, black, green, and gray squares, respectively.

Genes from the LSC-17 score and AP-1/TNF-α signature belong to different clusters of coregulated genes in patients with AML. (A) Correlation plot showing expression of genes identified in this study and selected from Ng et al24 and Stavropoulou et al37 across samples from the TCGA cohort (n = 173). Color and size represent the direction and the magnitude of the correlation, respectively. Only correlations with P < .05 are shown. Two gene expression correlation clusters are underlined and conserved across cohorts (see also supplemental Figure 4). One cluster encompasses genes related to cell adhesion or migration (ITGA6, ZEB1, and JAM3) and genes from the LSC-17 score (cluster I). The second cluster contains number of genes upregulated in HSPCs isolated from JAM3–deficient leukemic mice (cluster II). (B) Heat map showing unsupervised patient sample clustering according to z score of genes belonging to the LSC-17 signature and DEGs from this study (supplemental Table 4) across samples from assembly of TCGA, OHSU, and Leucegene cohorts representing 871 AML samples at diagnosis. Four groups of samples can be visualized expressing respectively high or low levels of LSC-17 genes and high or low levels of DEGs identified in this study (AP-1/TNF-A1 signature). Groups of samples are underlined by red, black, green, and gray squares, respectively.

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