Jam3 deficiency before leukemic onset upregulates AP-1/TNF-α transcriptional network in HSPCs. (A) Volcano plot displaying DEGs between L-HSCs isolated from the BM of Jam3–proficient (iMLL Jam3fl/fl) and Jam3–deficient (iMLL Jam3ko/ko) leukemic mice (n = 3 per genotype). The vertical axis shows the mean expression value of log10, and the horizontal axis shows the log2 fold change (FC) value obtained from triplicate experiments. Genes with log2 FC >1, and adjusted P value <.05, adjusted P value <.05 and log2 FC >1 are represented in red, blue, and green, respectively. (B) Volcano plot displaying DEGs for L-GMPs. (C) Gene set expression analysis using transcriptomes from L-HSCs shown in panel A. The most significant gene sets are shown. (D) Heat map showing log2 normalized transcripts per million (tpm) of genes differentially expressed between HSCs isolated from the BM of Jam3–deficient (iMLL Jam3ko/ko) and Jam3–proficient (iMLL Jam3fl/fl) leukemic mice (adjusted P < .05). Genes in gray are differentially expressed between Jam3-deficient and Jam3-proficient mice both in L-HSC and L-GMP compartments. (E) Venn diagram showing DEGs identified in this study, in the LSC-17 core signature,24 or in genes defining the CD34+/AP-1High cluster in the single-cell RNA sequencing study by Velten et al.28 FDR, false discovery rate; NES, net enrichment score.

Jam3 deficiency before leukemic onset upregulates AP-1/TNF-α transcriptional network in HSPCs. (A) Volcano plot displaying DEGs between L-HSCs isolated from the BM of Jam3–proficient (iMLL Jam3fl/fl) and Jam3–deficient (iMLL Jam3ko/ko) leukemic mice (n = 3 per genotype). The vertical axis shows the mean expression value of log10, and the horizontal axis shows the log2 fold change (FC) value obtained from triplicate experiments. Genes with log2 FC >1, and adjusted P value <.05, adjusted P value <.05 and log2 FC >1 are represented in red, blue, and green, respectively. (B) Volcano plot displaying DEGs for L-GMPs. (C) Gene set expression analysis using transcriptomes from L-HSCs shown in panel A. The most significant gene sets are shown. (D) Heat map showing log2 normalized transcripts per million (tpm) of genes differentially expressed between HSCs isolated from the BM of Jam3–deficient (iMLL Jam3ko/ko) and Jam3–proficient (iMLL Jam3fl/fl) leukemic mice (adjusted P < .05). Genes in gray are differentially expressed between Jam3-deficient and Jam3-proficient mice both in L-HSC and L-GMP compartments. (E) Venn diagram showing DEGs identified in this study, in the LSC-17 core signature,24 or in genes defining the CD34+/AP-1High cluster in the single-cell RNA sequencing study by Velten et al.28 FDR, false discovery rate; NES, net enrichment score.

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