Figure 3.
Jam3 conditional deletion before or after leukemic onset changes proportions of leukemic stem and progenitor cells. (A) UMAP projection of Lin−/c-Kit+ cells isolated from nonleukemic engrafted mice (nonleukemic) and from grafted mice treated sequentially with poly (I:C) followed by DOX (poly (I:C) -> DOX group); or treated sequentially with DOX followed by poly (I:C), (Dox -> poly (I:C) group). Five clusters numbered 1 to 5 are identified (left panel) and shown for each of the indicated experimental conditions. The number of Lin−/c-Kit+ cells used for analysis is indicated. (B) Projection of the indicated marker expression on Lin−/c-Kit+ cells used to calculate the UMAP shown in panel A. Sca-1+ compartment containing L-LT-HSCs and L-ST-HSCs belong essentially to clusters 1 and 2. Clusters 3 to 5 are Sca-1− and correspond to the LK compartment.

Jam3 conditional deletion before or after leukemic onset changes proportions of leukemic stem and progenitor cells. (A) UMAP projection of Lin/c-Kit+ cells isolated from nonleukemic engrafted mice (nonleukemic) and from grafted mice treated sequentially with poly (I:C) followed by DOX (poly (I:C) -> DOX group); or treated sequentially with DOX followed by poly (I:C), (Dox -> poly (I:C) group). Five clusters numbered 1 to 5 are identified (left panel) and shown for each of the indicated experimental conditions. The number of Lin/c-Kit+ cells used for analysis is indicated. (B) Projection of the indicated marker expression on Lin/c-Kit+ cells used to calculate the UMAP shown in panel A. Sca-1+ compartment containing L-LT-HSCs and L-ST-HSCs belong essentially to clusters 1 and 2. Clusters 3 to 5 are Sca-1 and correspond to the LK compartment.

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