Figure 4.
Dasatinib inhibits the effects of CD40 ligation but does not restrict the expression of accessory molecules on CLL cells. (A) PBMCs from patients with CLL were first cultured on a layer of CD40L expressing fibroblasts with or without dasatinib (1 μM/mL), imatinib (1 μM/mL), ibrutinib (1 μM/mL), or Bay 11-7082 (0.1 μM/mL) for 2 days, after which the CLL cells were thoroughly washed to remove the inhibitors. The untreated and treated CLL cells were resuspended in fresh media and cultured in a 1:1 ratio with autologous PBMCs for 2 days with soluble stimulatory CD3/CD28 antibodies after which expression of CD25 was measured on T cells (HD, n = 4; CLL, n = 7). In a similar experiment, expression of (B) MHC-I, MHC-II, CD54, CD58, CD70, CD80, CD86, 4-1BBL, OX40L, and CD95 were measured on CLL cells after incubation with 1 μM dasatinib for 2 days using the 3T40 system (CLL, n = 8). (C) Before culturing CD40-stimulated CLL cells with autologous T cells, CLL cells were preincubated for 1 hour with CD54 and CD58 blocking antibodies after which T cells were stimulated for 2 days and analyzed for expression of CD25 (HD, n = 4; CLL, n = 2-3). P values were calculated using a 1-way ANOVA for panels A-C. Data are presented as mean ± SEM; ∗P ≤ .05, ∗∗P ≤ .01, ∗∗∗P ≤ .001, ∗∗∗∗P ≤ .0001. MFI, mean fluorescence intensity; Stim, stimulated.

Dasatinib inhibits the effects of CD40 ligation but does not restrict the expression of accessory molecules on CLL cells. (A) PBMCs from patients with CLL were first cultured on a layer of CD40L expressing fibroblasts with or without dasatinib (1 μM/mL), imatinib (1 μM/mL), ibrutinib (1 μM/mL), or Bay 11-7082 (0.1 μM/mL) for 2 days, after which the CLL cells were thoroughly washed to remove the inhibitors. The untreated and treated CLL cells were resuspended in fresh media and cultured in a 1:1 ratio with autologous PBMCs for 2 days with soluble stimulatory CD3/CD28 antibodies after which expression of CD25 was measured on T cells (HD, n = 4; CLL, n = 7). In a similar experiment, expression of (B) MHC-I, MHC-II, CD54, CD58, CD70, CD80, CD86, 4-1BBL, OX40L, and CD95 were measured on CLL cells after incubation with 1 μM dasatinib for 2 days using the 3T40 system (CLL, n = 8). (C) Before culturing CD40-stimulated CLL cells with autologous T cells, CLL cells were preincubated for 1 hour with CD54 and CD58 blocking antibodies after which T cells were stimulated for 2 days and analyzed for expression of CD25 (HD, n = 4; CLL, n = 2-3). P values were calculated using a 1-way ANOVA for panels A-C. Data are presented as mean ± SEM; ∗P ≤ .05, ∗∗P ≤ .01, ∗∗∗P ≤ .001, ∗∗∗∗P ≤ .0001. MFI, mean fluorescence intensity; Stim, stimulated.

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