Response to tipifarnib. A. Waterfall plot. Best percent change from baseline in sum of tumor diameters in the efficacy analysis set (all participants cohort). N = 56: 2 patients were excluded because they did not have postbaseline index lesion measurements. Sum of product of longest diameter and shortest diameter of all tumors assessed in each visit in square mm. ⋆ Best % change in SPD of >50% but new lesion(s) reported at the same visit. (B) Waterfall plot. Best percent change from baseline in sum of tumor diameters in the efficacy analysis set (AITL cohort). N = 31: 1 patient did not have posttreatment measurements because of obvious deterioration; patient had a best overall response of PD. ⋆ Best % change in SPD of >50% but new lesion(s) reported at the same visit. (C) Waterfall plot. Best percent change from baseline in sum of tumor diameters in the efficacy analysis set (PTCL-NOS, overall cohort). N = 24: 1 patient did not have posttreatment measurements because of obvious deterioration; patient had a best overall response of PD. (D) Swimmer plot. DOR and time to response in patients in the AITL cohort receiving tipifarnib. NE, nonevaluable; NR/SD, no response or stable disease; PD, progressive disease; SD, stable disease; SPD, sum of products of diameters.

Response to tipifarnib. A. Waterfall plot. Best percent change from baseline in sum of tumor diameters in the efficacy analysis set (all participants cohort). N = 56: 2 patients were excluded because they did not have postbaseline index lesion measurements. Sum of product of longest diameter and shortest diameter of all tumors assessed in each visit in square mm. ⋆ Best % change in SPD of >50% but new lesion(s) reported at the same visit. (B) Waterfall plot. Best percent change from baseline in sum of tumor diameters in the efficacy analysis set (AITL cohort). N = 31: 1 patient did not have posttreatment measurements because of obvious deterioration; patient had a best overall response of PD. ⋆ Best % change in SPD of >50% but new lesion(s) reported at the same visit. (C) Waterfall plot. Best percent change from baseline in sum of tumor diameters in the efficacy analysis set (PTCL-NOS, overall cohort). N = 24: 1 patient did not have posttreatment measurements because of obvious deterioration; patient had a best overall response of PD. (D) Swimmer plot. DOR and time to response in patients in the AITL cohort receiving tipifarnib. NE, nonevaluable; NR/SD, no response or stable disease; PD, progressive disease; SD, stable disease; SPD, sum of products of diameters.

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