Figure 4.
MDF VVPs administered intranodally induce potent and prolonged B-cell depletion in NHPs. (A) Activation of NHP T cells in the blood 7 days after VivoVec administration, as measured by CD25. (B) Anti-CD20 CAR expression (Flag-tag) on NHP CD3+ T cells in the blood 10 days after VivoVec administration. (C) Percent of NHP T cells expressing CAR (top), overall numbers of CAR positive T cells (middle), and total B cells in the blood (bottom) over time. (D) Representative flow plots of B-cell depletion in Z20106. (E) Biodistribution of VivoVec CAR payload in various tissues 139 days after particle administration in Z20106, measured by ddPCR. VCN, vector copy number.

MDF VVPs administered intranodally induce potent and prolonged B-cell depletion in NHPs. (A) Activation of NHP T cells in the blood 7 days after VivoVec administration, as measured by CD25. (B) Anti-CD20 CAR expression (Flag-tag) on NHP CD3+ T cells in the blood 10 days after VivoVec administration. (C) Percent of NHP T cells expressing CAR (top), overall numbers of CAR positive T cells (middle), and total B cells in the blood (bottom) over time. (D) Representative flow plots of B-cell depletion in Z20106. (E) Biodistribution of VivoVec CAR payload in various tissues 139 days after particle administration in Z20106, measured by ddPCR. VCN, vector copy number.

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