Figure 2.
Etavopivat concentration vs time after daily dosing in patients with SCD (MAD and OL cohorts). Mean (± SD) etavopivat concentrations after daily dosing on day 14 (MAD) or day 84 (OL) at the indicated time point (hours). MAD, multiple ascending dose; OL, open-label; SCD, sickle cell disease; SD, standard deviation.

Etavopivat concentration vs time after daily dosing in patients with SCD (MAD and OL cohorts). Mean (± SD) etavopivat concentrations after daily dosing on day 14 (MAD) or day 84 (OL) at the indicated time point (hours). MAD, multiple ascending dose; OL, open-label; SCD, sickle cell disease; SD, standard deviation.

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