Figure 5.
Phenotypic correction after WU-106/AMD3100 mobilization and in vivo HSC prime editing: spleen and liver analyses. (A) Spleen size (left panel) and spleen weight relative to the body weight (right panel). Each symbol represents an individual mouse. Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni posttest for multiple comparisons was used. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism version 10.0.3. ∗∗∗P ≤ .001, ∗∗P ≤ .01, ∗P ≤ .05. (B) Hemosiderosis: spleen and liver sections stained with Perl Prussian blue. Iron deposition is shown as the cytoplasmic blue pigments of hemosiderin in the spleen tissue sections. The scale bars are 20μm.

Phenotypic correction after WU-106/AMD3100 mobilization and in vivo HSC prime editing: spleen and liver analyses. (A) Spleen size (left panel) and spleen weight relative to the body weight (right panel). Each symbol represents an individual mouse. Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni posttest for multiple comparisons was used. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism version 10.0.3. ∗∗∗P ≤ .001, ∗∗P ≤ .01, ∗P ≤ .05. (B) Hemosiderosis: spleen and liver sections stained with Perl Prussian blue. Iron deposition is shown as the cytoplasmic blue pigments of hemosiderin in the spleen tissue sections. The scale bars are 20μm.

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