Figure 2.
Binding affinity of CG001 to human C3 cleavage products. (A-C) Representative profiles of the interactions between CG001 and human C3 products. (A) C3b, (B) iC3b, and (C) C3c. (D) Binding affinity of CG001 to 3 human C3 cleavage products. The interactions were measured by biolayer interferometry, using 3 batches of CG001 drug substances. Values represent the mean ± SD.

Binding affinity of CG001 to human C3 cleavage products. (A-C) Representative profiles of the interactions between CG001 and human C3 products. (A) C3b, (B) iC3b, and (C) C3c. (D) Binding affinity of CG001 to 3 human C3 cleavage products. The interactions were measured by biolayer interferometry, using 3 batches of CG001 drug substances. Values represent the mean ± SD.

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