Figure 5.
Determinants of durable response to HBI0101 therapy in patients with infused MM. Numerous variables related to patient characteristics, disease, and CART features (ie, SM, FP, and CART in peripheral blood) were analyzed to determine the potential predictors of PFS in response to HBI0101 therapy. Bold faceted and underlined parameters in red were identified as strong independent determinants of PFS. HR cytogenetic, EMD presentation, and the absolute numbers of CAR+ TEMs (defined as CD3+CAR+CD45RA−CCR7−) in HBI0101 CART FP were identified as predictors of inferior PFS. This illustration was generated with

Determinants of durable response to HBI0101 therapy in patients with infused MM. Numerous variables related to patient characteristics, disease, and CART features (ie, SM, FP, and CART in peripheral blood) were analyzed to determine the potential predictors of PFS in response to HBI0101 therapy. Bold faceted and underlined parameters in red were identified as strong independent determinants of PFS. HR cytogenetic, EMD presentation, and the absolute numbers of CAR+ TEMs (defined as CD3+CAR+CD45RACCR7) in HBI0101 CART FP were identified as predictors of inferior PFS. This illustration was generated with

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