Figure 4.
Effect of RFs accumulation on HBI0101 outcome and impact of treatment lines on RFs acquisition. (A-C) Best ORR (A), PFS (B), and OS (C) were estimated in patients receiving HBI0101 infusion, according to their acquisition of RFs, with RF = 0 defined as no RF (red lines); RF = 1 defined as 1 RF (that is, RF HR cytogenetic or extramedullary presentation or the absolute number of CAR+ TEMs detected in HBI0101 FP; blue lines), RF = 2/3, defined as acquisition of 2 or 3 RFs of the formers (green lines). (D-F) Effect of the number of treatment lines endured by patients with myeloma on the acquisition of HR cytogenetic (D), EMD (E), and on the number of CAR+ TEMs in the FP (F). In panel 4A, the percentages for CR, VGPR, and PR do not add up to the percentage atop the bar graph due to rounding.

Effect of RFs accumulation on HBI0101 outcome and impact of treatment lines on RFs acquisition. (A-C) Best ORR (A), PFS (B), and OS (C) were estimated in patients receiving HBI0101 infusion, according to their acquisition of RFs, with RF = 0 defined as no RF (red lines); RF = 1 defined as 1 RF (that is, RF HR cytogenetic or extramedullary presentation or the absolute number of CAR+ TEMs detected in HBI0101 FP; blue lines), RF = 2/3, defined as acquisition of 2 or 3 RFs of the formers (green lines). (D-F) Effect of the number of treatment lines endured by patients with myeloma on the acquisition of HR cytogenetic (D), EMD (E), and on the number of CAR+ TEMs in the FP (F). In panel 4A, the percentages for CR, VGPR, and PR do not add up to the percentage atop the bar graph due to rounding.

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