Figure 2.
HBI0101 trial permissive inclusion criteria affect patient survival. (A) Major eligibility criteria discriminating HBI0101 trial from the KarMMa/CARTITUDE-1 at study entrance. ORR (B), PFS (C), and OS (D) of patients receiving HBI0101 infusion according to their eligibility to KarMMa/CARTITUDE-1 trial (blue line, eligible, n = 23; red line, noneligible, n = 27; green line, HBI0101 cohort, n = 50). In panel 2B, the percentages for CR, VGPR, and PR do not add up to the percentage atop the bar graph due to rounding. PCL, plasma cell leukemia; PLT, platelet.

HBI0101 trial permissive inclusion criteria affect patient survival. (A) Major eligibility criteria discriminating HBI0101 trial from the KarMMa/CARTITUDE-1 at study entrance. ORR (B), PFS (C), and OS (D) of patients receiving HBI0101 infusion according to their eligibility to KarMMa/CARTITUDE-1 trial (blue line, eligible, n = 23; red line, noneligible, n = 27; green line, HBI0101 cohort, n = 50). In panel 2B, the percentages for CR, VGPR, and PR do not add up to the percentage atop the bar graph due to rounding. PCL, plasma cell leukemia; PLT, platelet.

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