Figure 1.
Response to HBI0101 therapy. Best ORR (A), PFS (B), DOR in HBI0101 responders (C), and OS (D) were estimated in the first consecutive 50 patients dosed with 800 × 106 CAR+ cells. sCR/CR (dark/light blue); VGPR (dark/light green); PR (dark/light yellow); MRD positive, light colors; MRD negative, dark colors. DOR, duration of response.

Response to HBI0101 therapy. Best ORR (A), PFS (B), DOR in HBI0101 responders (C), and OS (D) were estimated in the first consecutive 50 patients dosed with 800 × 106 CAR+ cells. sCR/CR (dark/light blue); VGPR (dark/light green); PR (dark/light yellow); MRD positive, light colors; MRD negative, dark colors. DOR, duration of response.

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