Figure 5.
Risk of any infection, pneumonia, sepsis, and death from infectious disease according to hemochromatosis genotypes C282Y and H63D. ΔIron, ΔTransferrin saturation, and ΔFerritin indicate the mean difference as percentage of iron, transferrin saturation, and ferritin, respectively, compared with that of noncarrier/noncarrier individuals. Dots indicate hazard ratio; solid vertical lines indicate 95% CI. C282Y/C282Y, homozygous for the C282Y variant; C282Y/H63D, compound heterozygous for the C282Y and H63D variants; C282Y/noncarrier, heterozygous for the C282Y variant; H63D/H63D, homozygous for the H63D variant; H63D/noncarrier, heterozygous for the H63D variant; noncarrier/noncarrier, noncarrier for both C282Y and H63D.

Risk of any infection, pneumonia, sepsis, and death from infectious disease according to hemochromatosis genotypes C282Y and H63D. ΔIron, ΔTransferrin saturation, and ΔFerritin indicate the mean difference as percentage of iron, transferrin saturation, and ferritin, respectively, compared with that of noncarrier/noncarrier individuals. Dots indicate hazard ratio; solid vertical lines indicate 95% CI. C282Y/C282Y, homozygous for the C282Y variant; C282Y/H63D, compound heterozygous for the C282Y and H63D variants; C282Y/noncarrier, heterozygous for the C282Y variant; H63D/H63D, homozygous for the H63D variant; H63D/noncarrier, heterozygous for the H63D variant; noncarrier/noncarrier, noncarrier for both C282Y and H63D.

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