Figure 3.
Change in plasma iron and transferrin saturation for each individual between first blood sample drawn at study enrollment and second blood sample drawn for a repeat measurement of plasma iron or transferrin saturation. For a total of 32 141 individuals, a second blood sample for a repeat measurement of iron and/or transferrin saturation was obtained at a median of 10 years (IQR, 9.6-10.7; range, 0.7-15.8) after the first blood sample. Median modulus value (nonnegative value) for change in plasma iron was 3.2 μmol/L (IQR, 1.7-5.9). For transferrin saturation median modulus value (nonnegative value) for change was 6% (IQR, 3%-10%). Importantly, all main analyses on risk of infections were based on the blood samples drawn at the day of study enrollment (first blood sample), except for supplemental Figure 4 in which the second blood sample for repeat measurements of iron and transferrin saturation was used to model risk of infection. No individuals had repeat measurements of ferritin. IQR, interquartile range.

Change in plasma iron and transferrin saturation for each individual between first blood sample drawn at study enrollment and second blood sample drawn for a repeat measurement of plasma iron or transferrin saturation. For a total of 32 141 individuals, a second blood sample for a repeat measurement of iron and/or transferrin saturation was obtained at a median of 10 years (IQR, 9.6-10.7; range, 0.7-15.8) after the first blood sample. Median modulus value (nonnegative value) for change in plasma iron was 3.2 μmol/L (IQR, 1.7-5.9). For transferrin saturation median modulus value (nonnegative value) for change was 6% (IQR, 3%-10%). Importantly, all main analyses on risk of infections were based on the blood samples drawn at the day of study enrollment (first blood sample), except for supplemental Figure 4 in which the second blood sample for repeat measurements of iron and transferrin saturation was used to model risk of infection. No individuals had repeat measurements of ferritin. IQR, interquartile range.

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