FigureĀ 1.
Kaplan-Meier curves for risk of any infection according to plasma iron, transferrin saturation, ferritin, and HFE genotype. The number of individuals at risk and number of infections shown are for all individuals who have measurements of iron, transferrin saturation, ferritin, or HFE genotype, respectively. The graphical curves depict solely the 0 to 5th percentile, 26th to 74th percentile, and 95th to 100th percentile when studying the risk of infection according to iron, transferrin saturation, or ferritin, whereas the curves depict solely C282Y/C282Y and noncarrier/noncarrier individuals when studying risk of infection according to HFE genotype. Statistical power is limited in individuals aged <40 years as a result of relatively few individuals enrolled before age 40. Therefore, curves are shown from age 40 years and onward to avoid single infection events in younger individuals leading to large fluctuations in the graphical depiction of Kaplan-Meier estimates due to low statistical power. P values were calculated using a log-rank test. no., number. ref., reference.

Kaplan-Meier curves for risk of any infection according to plasma iron, transferrin saturation, ferritin, and HFE genotype. The number of individuals at risk and number of infections shown are for all individuals who have measurements of iron, transferrin saturation, ferritin, or HFE genotype, respectively. The graphical curves depict solely the 0 to 5th percentile, 26th to 74th percentile, and 95th to 100th percentile when studying the risk of infection according to iron, transferrin saturation, or ferritin, whereas the curves depict solely C282Y/C282Y and noncarrier/noncarrier individuals when studying risk of infection according to HFE genotype. Statistical power is limited in individuals aged <40 years as a result of relatively few individuals enrolled before age 40. Therefore, curves are shown from age 40 years and onward to avoid single infection events in younger individuals leading to large fluctuations in the graphical depiction of Kaplan-Meier estimates due to low statistical power. P values were calculated using a log-rank test. no., number. ref., reference.

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