Genotype–grouped CD4+ and CD8+ T cell vs control comparisons highlight alterations to T-cell activation and differentiation in CH. (A) Circle plot displaying predicted differential interaction strength between CD14+ monocytes and relevant hematopoietic cells from TET2 samples compared with controls, as determined by CellChat. Line thickness corresponds to differential interaction strength. Green color indicates increased signaling in TET2 samples compared to controls. Gray indicates decreased signaling. (B) Circle plot displaying predicted differential interaction strength between CD14+ monocytes and relevant hematopoietic cells from DNMT3A samples compared with controls, as determined by CellChat. Line thickness corresponds to differential interaction strength. Red color indicates increased signaling in DNMT3A samples compared with controls. Gray indicates decreased signaling. (C) Volcano plot showing results of differential expression analysis comparing CD4+ T cells from patients with TET2 (left) or DNMT3A (right) mutations with CD4+ T cells from controls, colored by biological pathway. (D) Volcano plot showing results of differential expression analysis comparing CD8+ T cells from patients with TET2 (left) or DNMT3A (right) mutations with CD8+ T cells from controls, colored by biological pathway. (E) Violin plots displaying expression of GIMAP1 in CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells from controls and from patients with CH mutations. (F) Violin plots displaying expression of GIMAP5 in CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells from controls and from patients with CH mutations.