FigureĀ 2.
ELCLV3-21 stratifies MBL within other prognostic groups and reveals similar outcomes to CLL patients. (A) Forest plot displaying the hazard ratios of ELCLV3-21 high vs low risk in MBL following stratification for IGHV mutation status, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and CLL-IPI markers in time to first treatment and time to CLL progression. (B,C) Analysis of the impact of ELCLV3-21 in MBL (green lines) vs CLL (red lines) comparing the cumulative incidence of first treatment (B) and overall survival (C) between groups.

ELCLV3-21 stratifies MBL within other prognostic groups and reveals similar outcomes to CLL patients. (A) Forest plot displaying the hazard ratios of ELCLV3-21 high vs low risk in MBL following stratification for IGHV mutation status, fluorescence in situ hybridization, and CLL-IPI markers in time to first treatment and time to CLL progression. (B,C) Analysis of the impact of ELCLV3-21 in MBL (green lines) vs CLL (red lines) comparing the cumulative incidence of first treatment (B) and overall survival (C) between groups.

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